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Massage Benefits
Thankfully, people are beginning to realize that massage is not only an uplifting experience, but als0 a necessity to help achieve your best self physically, mentally and spiritually. Though the two most obvious and known advantages of routine massage are relaxation and relieving tension, massage is more than that. The benefits are substantial.

Physical Benefits
Fosters faster healing of strained muscles and sprained ligaments, reduces pain and swelling, reduces formation of excessive scar tissue.
Provides greater joint mobility.
Reduces muscle spasms.
Enhances athletic performance; treats injuries caused during sports or work.
Improves circulation of lymph fluids.
Reduces blood pressure.
Helps relieve tension related headaches.
Enhances the health and nourishment of skin.
Rehabilitation for post operative clients.​
Rehabilitation after injury.
Mental Benefits of Massage:
Encourages peace of mind.
Promotes a relaxed state of mental awareness.
Helps alleviate mental stress.
Enhances capacity for calm thinking and clarity.
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