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 Massage Center Guided Meditation
The art of relaxation & visualization

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Here at Massage Center, we strive to help our clients live well, practice care, and be at peace. As we expand our mission, we are excited to introduce Guided Meditations happening every Tuesday afternoon.  These will be guided meditation sessions during the week for those who would like to take some time to release stress and tension, clear your mind, and relax the body. This will give you the opportunity to return to work recharged physically, mentally, and emotionally.
When:  Every Tuesday 
Time: 12:15 PM to 12:45 PM (Doors will be locked at 12:15) 
Where: Massage Center Workshop- suite 172 (Please enter through the atrium entrance) 
Cost: $ Donation
** To reserve your spot, simply call us at 361-947-0958 ** 



"Meditation  takes us from survival to creation. From separation to connection, from imbalance to balance. From emergency mode to growth and repair mode; and from limiting emotions and fear, anger & sadness to the expansive emotions of joy, freedom, and love." 
- Dr. Joe Dispenza






Meditation  sessions will be led by Tim Maher. Tim is trained in transcendental meditation by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi instructors and has been practicing for over 30 years. Over this period, Tim has taught meditation to individual students on a one-on-one basis and he currently leads international guided meditations for groups in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. He is a Reiki Master and Japanese training Reiki practitioner. He is also an ordained minister with a bachelor's degree in metaphysical science from the University of Sedona. 



Each session will be a different Journey: 



Take time to join us. You will be refreshed, ready to face the rest of your workday. It will be time well spent with blessings to all, namaste. 




** Sessions will begin on the hour. The door will be locked to ensure that the meditations are not interrupted. Meditations will be limited to 8 individuals. This will allow all individuals to be comfortably seated or lying on the floor. There will be chairs available. **


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